Voice of Distant Feeling 【 ATKUR KASTARA 】 Slow Version Music ( Sad / Drama )


Voice of Distant Feeling, Original Writter and Composed with Love by Atkur Kastara, on June 1, 2020.

I made this "Slow version Music" sound deeper in conveying something and used a lower pitch.

 So it's almost like Lo-Fi, I gave it an Atmospheric Sound Background.

 This music is suitable for a calm atmosphere and lowers the tempo ... and can be repeated.

 I hope you like it.


Saya membuat ini menjadi "Slow version Music"  terdengar lebih dalam dalam menyampaikan sesuatu dan menggunakan nada nada rendah.

Jadi hampir mirip seperti Lo-Fi , saya memberikannya Background Suara Atmosfer.

Musik ini cocok untuk suasana yang tenang dan menurunkan tempo... santau dan bisa di ulang ulang.

Saya Harap , kalian menyukainya.


Another Original Music of Mine :

WYSWYLWYG Piano - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTWdz4c86Ps&list=PLs2lPOsgJmKEJ00HkY8a1h4vxzQHeMeWB

Calm Piano - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mPJanvdQRE&list=PLs2lPOsgJmKHI598-BEE9FoFDxwRkRRT5

Haii Yoroshiku! Theme Music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyT_4qDMNEg&list=PLs2lPOsgJmKGBbuD4tUPcxui_94taEC4e

Another Version - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eACVQ8EcOk&list=PLs2lPOsgJmKGUSF8ttiVqZcIwVNaUn07N

Fun Playing Piano - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIPfnDzokmQ&list=PLs2lPOsgJmKFinJPxYeP3Z5XtMVjkiN6T

Another Original Music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Zd4OouErRk&list=PLs2lPOsgJmKHyCYM_w3M6d_RXp8o76Lr1

Another Content in this Channel :

Original Ambience and ASMR Project - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ctmkx84gVAI&list=PLs2lPOsgJmKHFMIY5UyHgnFmfEJejfzcQ

Share Tutorial and Knowledge - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGAEg8NGgqo&list=PLs2lPOsgJmKFHjpK6ZsBJtVbObYSEH1iW

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Element Music : Wind and Water

Thanks for Join to My Music World, I hope you Enjoy

Slow Version Music,Relaxing Music,Sad Music,Drama Music,Voice of Distant Feeling,AtkurKastra,Atkurkastara,Music,BGM,Background Music,Theme Music,Soindtrack Music,Poem Music,Semarang,Central of Java,yt,youtube,music,music channel

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